Real Wealth – family and food.

7 min readSep 5, 2020

Come on this culinary journey with me and arrive at the single greatest ingredient I know.

Recipe at the end. Photo credit – uvebruce

There are two types of people in this world:

1) Those that eat to live; and

2) Those that live to eat!

When I met my wife 30 years ago, she firmly fell into the 1st category. For her, food was a necessary fuel – not much more. She had a few food preferences … cake, big cake and bigger cake … oh and prawns! For her and her family, a celebration wasn’t complete without prawns. Preferably large, shell on and butterflied, grilled and dripping in lemon garlic butter. We lived in South Africa. Thankfully the Southern most tip of Africa is made up of South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia and all three countries have a coastline awash with an incredible array of fish and shellfish, rivalled perhaps only by Australia.

30 years later and I’m pleased to say my wife has moved on. Food wise that is. She literally had no choice – partly because she married a foodie, and partly because she birthed our four (26;24;17;14) delightful children, all of whom are equally food crazy. It’s pretty much the glue that holds the generations together.

Our family WhatsApp chat is nothing more than a 24/7 food channel. Someone posts some food item they’re eating every day. My son’s recent 26th birthday…




Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.