Interesting read.
I’m not sure I totally agree, but I certainly think this is a very western first world standpoint.
Most of the world do not operate on the assumption that a woman is a ‘mother replacement’. Sorry.
I also think this is a ‘surface’ view. On a deeper level we all have DNA hardwiring, which determine both our societal roles and our ‘happy place’ .
Simplistically put, women have a womb. To deny its existence is futile. And with that womb comes various emotions and hardwired ‘needs’.
Men have a penis. And around it we have the oestrogen vs. Testosterone factor.
But that’s not to say, like anything , there are no exceptions. Lazy men and subservient women exist. Obviously.
And your article is directed more at them. But I think it is wrong to generalise that it’s all men, or women.
Archie Bunker and the ‘Tool Guy’ are funny because they are extreme cases. It’s the extremes that make it funny.
If men were like that, really like that, it would not be funny.