Firstly - great article.
Taking it to the next level, would the playing of Stephen Hawkins by a true quadriplegic have been acting - no, it’s truth.
What took Eddie Radmayne’s PORTRAYAL of a “quadriplegic” genius and made it brilliant, was his acting.
A real quadriplegic wouldn’t have been acting - it would have been truth.?
But I can see the sensitivity required. Indigenous American Indians must be sick and tired of their portrayal as mostly stupid whiskey guzzlers in Westerns, and usually played by non-indigenous American Indians, who clearly were not Indian.
Like anything - I don’t think there is a static formula. Each situation is different. And requires sensitivity.
I can’t think of a better Gandhi than Kingsley. And which true serial killer is being released to replace Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs?
And in this case Mirren is a great choice and will do a reverent job of it.